
Pick Peanut provides premium pet supplements to ensure your furry friends lead healthy, vibrant lives. A portion of every order is donated to help dogs worldwide, aligning your purchase with a mission to nurture not just your pet, but those in need.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Pick Peanut Affiliate Programme

Our Mission

We aim to significantly impact the lives of millions of dogs with a two sided approach. Directly through our tried & tested supplements, which in some cases provide instant relief to chronic problems. And also, indirectly, through our efforts in supporting causes to help the dogs that need it the most. We currently support Soi Dog Foundation, with aims to further develop our reach over the coming years.


Why Pick Peanut?

  • Exceptionally competitive commissions
  • 17.46% conversion on affiliate clicks
  • Problem solving offers


Problem Solving & High Converting Offers

Pick Peanut's products have been accepted and loved by the market for solving very common problems which dogs in the UK face on a day to day basis. Along with our solid feedback and optimised offers, this creates the perfect opportunity for you to bring value to your audience.